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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 25

Amelia (“Millie”) McCarthy papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 121.4250

The Amelia (“Millie”) McCarthy papers are a compilation of writings, memorabilia, publicity clippings, and other documentation related to her involvement in the coin-op industry. Many materials are undated, though the bulk of them are likely from the 1990s.

Dates: 1959 - 2021

Atari Coin-Op Division corporate records

Identifier: 114.6238

The Atari Coin-Op records comprise 600 linear feet of game design documents, memos, focus group reports, market research reports, marketing materials, arcade cabinet drawings, schematics, artwork, photographs, videos, and publication material. Much of the material is oversized.

Dates: 1969 - 2002; Majority of material found within 1974 - 1998

Brøderbund Software, Inc. collection

 Collection — Box: 1-14
Identifier: 114.892

The Brøderbund Software, Inc. collection is a compilation of Brøderbund business records and information on the Software Publishers Association (SPA). The majority of the materials are dated between 1980 and 1998.

Dates: 1979 - 2002; Majority of material found within 1980 - 1998

Carol Kantor papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 119.4394

The Carol Kantor papers are a compilation of published materials and ephemera related to Kantor’s career at Atari and Business Builders. The bulk of the materials are from between 1977 and 1983

Dates: 1976 - 1983

Carol Shaw papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers

The Carol Shaw papers are a compilation of game design documentation, notes, sketches, source code printouts, advertisements, and other ephemera relating to the career of video game designer Carol Shaw. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1978 and 1984.

Dates: 1960 - 2017; Majority of material found within 1978 - 1984

Christy Marx papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 117.5436

The Christy Marx papers compile the breadth of Marx’s authorship and design across many genres, including video games, books, comics, and both live action and animated television shows. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1994 and 2002.

Dates: 1978 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1990 - 2002

Dan Bunten (Dani Bunten Berry) papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2013.bunten

The Dan Bunten (Dani Bunten Berry) papers are a compilation of correspondence, notes, game design concepts, game code output, photographs, publicity, and digital material created by or pertaining to Dan Bunten (later known as Dani Bunten Berry or Danielle Paula Berry). The bulk of the materials are from between 1983 and 1995.

Dates: 1949 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1983 - 1995

Denise Chaudhari papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 120.1840

The Denise Chaudhari papers are a compilation of industrial designs for the original Xbox “Duke” controller and associated accessories. These drawings are from 2000 and 2001.

Dates: 2000 - 2001

Elizabeth Hargrave papers, 2013-2023

Identifier: 123.1767

The Elizabeth Hargrave papers include materials used in the design, development, and publication process for the board games Wingspan (2019) and Mariposas (2020). The physical reference materials are comprised of research notes and prototype components including cards, chits, cubes, dice, dice tower, game boards, player mats, and tokens. The digital files consist of correspondence, graphics, presentations, spreadsheets, text, and video. The bulk of the materials date from 2016 to 2019.

Dates: 2013-2023; Majority of material found within 2016-2019

Elizabeth LaPensée papers

 Collection — Container: digital collection
Identifier: 119.3593

The Elizabeth LaPensée papers are a digital collection containing graphics and videos relating to Honour Water (2016) and Thunderbird Strike (2017), two games created by LaPensée.

Dates: 2016 - 2017

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women in Games X

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Game design and development 12
Computer games 11
Computer adventure games 7
Video games -- Design 6
Computer games -- Design 5
Electronic games industry 5
Video game industry 5
Video games -- History 5
Arcades 3
Computer games industry 3
Leisure Suit Larry (Video game series) 3
Programming 3
Sierra On-Line, Inc. 3
Video arcades 3
Video games 3
Video games -- Authorship 3
Arcades -- Equipment and supplies 2
Board games -- Design and construction 2
Conceptual art 2
Conquest of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood (Game) 2
Conquests of Camelot (Game) 2
Focus Groups 2
King's Quest (Game) 2
Leisure Suit Larry (Game) 2
Marketing 2
Oral history 2
Phantasmagoria (Computer file) 2
Simulation games 2
World Video Game Hall of Fame inductee 2
A Taste for Murder (Video game) 1
Animation television programs -- Authorship 1
Apple II (Computer) 1
Apple II (Computer) -- Programming 1
Apple II (Computer) -- Programming -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
Asteroids (Game) 1
Atari 2600 (Video game console) 1
Atari 800 (Computer) 1
Atari VCS (Video game console) 1
Babylon 5 (Television program) 1
Barbie dolls 1
Board game industry 1
Board game industry -- United States 1
Board games -- History 1
Bubsy (Video game series) 1
Bubsy (Video game) 1
Bubsy 3D (Video game) 1
Butterflies 1
Carmen Sandiego (Game) 1
Centipede (Game) 1
Coin-operated machines 1
Comics and graphic novels -- Authorship 1
Computer adventure games -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
Computer art 1
Computer art -- Exhibitions 1
Computer art -- Software 1
Computer art -- United States 1
Computer games -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1
Computer games -- Juvenile literature 1
Computer games -- Periodicals 1
Computer games -- Software 1
Conan the Adventurer (Television program) 1
Cosmac VIP 1
Designer's Tool Kit (Software) 1
Documentary films 1
Educational games 1
Electronic games -- History 1
Electronic games industry -- United States 1
Employee handbooks 1
Engineering design 1
Engineering mathematics 1
Escape from ANTcatraz (Computer game) 1
Gabriel Knight (Video game series) 1
Gabriel Knight: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned (Game) 1
Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within (Game) 1
Gabriel Knight: The Sins of the Fathers (Game) 1
Gambling industry 1
Games -- Software 1
Games for girls -- Computer games 1
Games user research 1
Gears of War (Video game series) 1
Gen Con (Convention) 1
Gray Matter (Game) 1
Grok the Monkey (Video game) 1
Hero's Quest I (Game) 1
Hero's Quest II (Game) 1
Homeword II (Game) 1
Honour Water (Video game) 1
Hypernauts (Television program) 1
Independent game designers 1
Indigenous peoples in art 1
Industrial design 1
Interviewing in marketing research 1
Jem and the Holograms (Television program) 1
King's Quest II (Game) 1
King's Quest III (Game) 1
King's Quest IV (Game) 1
King's Quest V (Game) 1
Leisure Suit Larry II (Game) 1
Leisure Suit Larry III (Game) 1
Sierra On-Line, Inc. 6
Williams, Ken 4
Atari, Inc. 3
Sierra Entertainment, Inc 3
Williams, Roberta 3
Brøderbund Software, Inc. 2
Electronic Arts (Firm) 2
Gaiser, Megan 2
LaPensée, Elizabeth 2
Logg, Ed 2
Mattel, Inc. 2
Microsoft Corporation 2
Penguin Software 2
AMOA (Association) 1
Accolade, Inc. 1
Activision (Firm) 1
Alcorn, Al 1
Alderac Entertainment Group 1
Apple Computer, Inc. 1
Atari (U.S.) Corp. 1
Atari Games Corporation 1
Atari, Inc. Home Computer Division 1
Bailey, Dona 1
Beil, Don 1
Bend Studio 1
Berlyn, Michael, 1949-2023 1
Berlyn, Muffy McClung 1
Berry, Danielle Paula 1
Bishop, Bob 1
Blank, Berlyn and Co. 1
Blank, Marc 1
Bouchard, R. Philip 1
Brainfactor Company 1
Brainwave Creations 1
Break My Game 1
Bristow, Steve 1
Brøderbund 1
Bunten Berry, Dani 1
Bunten, Dan 1
Bushnell, Nolan 1
Business Builders (Firm) 1
Carlson, Dale 1
Carlston, Cathy 1
Carlston, Doug 1
Carlston, Gary 1
Chaudhari, Denise (Love) 1
Cheng, Regan 1
Chew, Jacinda 1
Cole, Corey 1
Cole, Lori Ann 1
Dabney, Ted 1
Drew, Nancy (Fictitious character) 1
Durchin, Jesyca 1
Eclectic Electric (Firm) 1
Eidetic, Inc. 1
Fallon, Ruth Leavitt 1
Flexible Tales 1
Freshwater Haven 1
Fujihara, Mary 1
Gilbert, Laura 1
Gonzales, Racquel M. 1
Greer, Emily 1
Grossberger, Lucia 1
Hallahan, Katie 1
Hally, Mike 1
Hargrave, Elizabeth 1
Hata, Ken 1
Hennig, Amy 1
Her Interactive, Inc 1
Holmes, Jane Jensen 1
Hopping, Lorraine Jean 1
Howard, Keisha 1
Huang, Barney 1
Hunicke, Robin 1
IBM Personal Computer Company 1
Infocom, Inc. 1
Jaekel, Susan 1
Jensen, Jane 1
Kantor, Carol 1
Kee Games 1
Keenan, Joe 1 1
LaFrenz, Dale 1
LaPensée, Beth 1
Laurel, Brenda 1
Lawrence, Katherine 1
Leavitt, Ruth 1
Ledger, Peter 1
Littlejohn, Randy 1
Lowe, Al 1
Luke, Horace 1
MacLean, Jen 1
Margolin, Jed 1
Marx, Christy 1
McCarthy, Amelia ("Millie") 1
McCarthy, Victor 1
McCormick, Ann 1
Merkle, Ralph 1
Michigan State University 1
Minnesota Educational Computing Corporation 1