Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 36
Age of Empires collection
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023.aoe
The Age of Empires collection contains two sketchbooks with loose drawings inserted, as well as digital artwork used in the development of Ensemble Studios’ Age of Empires. The original materials are undated but are likely from 1996-1997.
America’s Army collection
Collection — Container: digital collection
Identifier: 117.9589
The America’s Army collection is a fully-digital compilation of planning memos, presentations, meeting minutes, correspondence, graphics, videos, articles, and other documentation on the development of America’s Army , the Official U.S. Army Game, by Michael Zyda and the MOVES Institute. The bulk of the materials are from 1999-2005.
Ben Gonyo Gamers collection
File — Box: Individual Manuscripts
Identifier: 110.11753
The Ben Gonyo Gamers collection contains nearly 1 TB of digital content, comprising interviews, game capture, and other related footage. Digital files are arranged into Conventions, Game Companies, Game Footage, Player Interviews, and more. Also included in this collection are a DVD (62-minute cut) of Gamers and printed information about the documentary. In the summer of 2010, the film began showing in heavy rotation...
Brøderbund Software, Inc. collection
Collection — Box: 1-14
Identifier: 114.892
The Brøderbund Software, Inc. collection is a compilation of Brøderbund business records and information on the Software Publishers Association (SPA). The majority of the materials are dated between 1980 and 1998.
Brian Fargo papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 116.4504
The Brian Fargo papers are a compilation of personal notes, corporate records, and game design documentation from Fargo’s time at Boone and Interplay. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1983 and 2000.
Bruce C. Shelley papers
Collection — Box: 1-3
Identifier: 116.5468
The Bruce C. Shelley papers are a compilation of game rules, correspondence, strategy guide notes, design documents, and more, relating to Shelley’s career in both the board and video games industries. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1982 and 2000.
Christy Marx papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 117.5436
The Christy Marx papers compile the breadth of Marx’s authorship and design across many genres, including video games, books, comics, and both live action and animated television shows. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1994 and 2002.
Dan Bunten (Dani Bunten Berry) papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2013.bunten
The Dan Bunten (Dani Bunten Berry) papers are a compilation of correspondence, notes, game design concepts, game code output, photographs, publicity, and digital material created by or pertaining to Dan Bunten (later known as Dani Bunten Berry or Danielle Paula Berry). The bulk of the materials are from between 1983 and 1995.
Douglas A. Whatley papers
Collection — Box: 1-4
Identifier: 120.4512
The Douglas A. Whatley papers contain physical and digital documentation relating to the career of Doug Whatley. Materials span the years 1989 through 2004.
Escape from ANTcatraz video game script
Item — Box: Individual Manuscripts
Identifier: 117.3643
This annotated script with maps/charts and a memo document Lorri Hopping’s game “Escape from ANTcatraz,” a video game she created for Scholastic's Microzine series in 1987.
Filtered By
- Subject: Computer games X
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- Names
- Electronic Arts (Firm) 6
- Sierra On-Line, Inc. 6
- Brøderbund Software, Inc. 5
- Activision (Firm) 3
- Brøderbund 3
- Mattel, Inc. 3
- Penguin Software 3
- Williams, Ken 3
- Atari (U.S.) Corp. 2
- Atari Games (Firm) 2
- Atari, Inc. Home Computer Division 2
- Berlyn, Michael, 1949-2023 2
- Ensemble Studios 2
- Infocom, Inc. 2
- Meier, Sid 2
- MicroProse Software, Inc. 2
- Microsoft Corporation 2
- Nintendo of America, Inc. 2
- Pelczarski, Mark 2
- Polarware 2
- Pottinger, Dave 2
- SSI (Firm) 2
- Shelley, Bruce C. 2
- Sierra Entertainment, Inc 2
- Strategic Simulations, Inc 2
- The Learning Company 2
- Williams, Roberta 2
- Accolade, Inc. 1
- Adams, Mitchell Scott 1
- Adams, Scott 1
- Adventure International (Firm) 1
- Akin, Huck 1
- Atari, Inc. 1
- Avalon Hill Game Company 1
- Bates, Bob 1
- Bates, Robert A. ("Bob") 1
- Bend Studio 1
- Berlyn, Muffy McClung 1
- Berry, Danielle Paula 1
- Billings, Joel 1
- Billings, Susan 1
- Blank, Berlyn and Co. 1
- Blank, Marc 1
- Boone Corporation 1
- Bouchard, R. Philip 1
- Bowen, David H. 1
- Brainfactor Company 1
- Brainwave Creations 1
- BreakAway Games 1
- Bunten Berry, Dani 1
- Bunten, Dan 1
- Burgeson, John 1
- Burgeson, Paul 1
- Burkatovskiy, Sergey 1
- CBS, Inc. 1
- Capps, Michael 1
- Carlston, Cathy 1
- Carlston, Doug 1
- Carlston, Gary 1
- Challenge, Inc. (Firm) 1
- Cole, Corey 1
- Cole, Lori Ann 1
- Coleco Industries, Inc. 1
- CommaVid, Inc. 1
- Cordic, Rege 1
- Cranford, Michael 1
- Crawford, Chris 1
- Crow, Brad 1
- Crystal Dynamics, Inc. 1
- Data Age, Inc. 1
- Day, Mark 1
- Deen, David 1
- Drew, Nancy (Fictitious character) 1
- Dubren, Patricia 1
- Dubren, Ron 1
- Durchin, Jesyca 1
- Eidetic, Inc. 1
- Fantasy Art Enterprises 1
- Fargo, Brian 1
- Flexible Tales 1
- Ford, Robert ("Fred") 1
- Free Fall Associates 1
- Freeman, Jon 1
- Gagen, Don 1
- Gaiser, Megan 1
- Game Developers Conference 1
- Gilbert, Laura 1
- Gonyo, Ben 1
- Goodman, Rick 1
- Goodman, Suzanne 1
- Goodman, Tony 1
- Greg Hyman Associates, Inc. 1
- Hallahan, Katie 1
- Hawkins, Trip 1
- Heineman, Bill 1
- Heineman, Rebecca 1
- Hendrick, Arnold 1
- Hennig, Amy 1
- Her Interactive, Inc 1
- Herman, Leonard 1 ∧ less
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