Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 28
Garth Parker premium toy design papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 113.4301
The Garth Parker premium toy design papers are a compilation of product sketches, designs, portfolios, presentations, product notebooks, and reference materials. Products shown in these materials were designed for fast-food restaurants, cereal brands, cake decorations, and more. The bulk of the materials are from 1995 through 2012.
Greg Hyman papers
Collection — Box: 1-3
Identifier: 2013.hyman
The Greg Hyman papers are a compilation of correspondence, publicity materials, legal papers, paper prototypes, and product descriptions created by Greg Hyman throughout his career in the toy and game industry. This collection also includes audio/visual prototype demonstrations. The bulk of the materials are dated from 1976 through 2010.
GUND, Inc. records
Collection — Box: 1-38
Identifier: 115.915
The GUND, Inc. records are a compilation of historic business records from GUND, Inc. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1942 and 1969, and again from 1984-1998.
Ken Sons and Tim Walsh Toyland digital archive
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 110.9390
The Ken Sons and Tim Walsh Toyland Digital Archive is a collection of more than 65 hours of documentary footage recorded by Ken Sons for his film Toyland. The interviews and scenes were filmed between 2007 and 2010.
Meccano records
Identifier: 124.2413
The Meccano records document production and sale of Meccano construction sets. The materials date from 1912 to 2005. The records are comprised of set instruction manuals and still images including photographic prints, 35mm slides, and negatives.
North American Bear Company collection
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 111.6966
The North American Bear Company collection is a compilation of newsletters, company-produced magazines, and articles. The bulk of the materials in this collection are dated between 1990 and 2001.
Patricia A. Biasuzzi papers
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 116.9033
The Patricia A. Biasuzzi papers contain materials related to toy designer Patricia A. Biasuzzi, her designs, and play memories. The documentation for materials in this collection was created in 2016, though the papers feature Biasuzzi’s childhood from 1946-1956 and toy design career between 1977 and 1994.
Ralph H. Baer papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2013.baer
The Ralph H. Baer papers are a compilation of correspondence, game designs, drawings, notes, reference materials, photographs, product descriptions, digital videos, schematics, electronic components, and manuals utilized by Ralph H. Baer throughout his lengthy career in the toy and game industry. The bulk of the materials are from 1975 through 1998.
Richard C. Levy papers
Identifier: 2016.levy
The Richard C. Levy papers contain four digital files: a biographical sketch of Levy and three digital videos about his career. The materials are dated between 1990 and 2015.
Robert Rees Jr. papers
Identifier: 116.3140
This 83.6 MB digital collection pertains to the development of the toy Bubble-Worm, including focus group information, publicity clippings, video demonstrations, and details about the product's licensing agreement and a subsequent legal complaint. The files date from 2009 to 2016 with the bulk of the material dated from 2009 to 2013. The material is comprised of correspondence, invoices, legal documents, still images, text, and videos.
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- Subject: Toys X
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- Names
- Hasbro, Inc. 5
- Mattel, Inc. 5
- Fisher-Price (Firm) 3
- Coleco Industries, Inc. 2
- Elmo (Fictitious character from Henson) 2
- Greg Hyman Associates, Inc. 2
- Spin Master Ltd. 2
- Walsh, Tim 2
- Walt Disney Company 2
- Walt Disney Productions 2
- Alcone Marketing Group (Firm) 1
- AmToy, Inc. 1
- American Folklore Society 1
- Artsis, Michael 1
- Association for the Study of Play 1
- Awdry, W. 1
- BBC Television 1
- Baer, Ralph H. 1
- Batman (Fictitious character) 1
- Bert (Fictitious character from Henson) 1
- Berton, Andrew 1
- Biasuzzi, Patricia A., 1946- 1
- Big Bird (Fictitious character) 1
- Big Monster Toys 1
- Breyer Animal Creations 1
- Brown, Stuart L. 1
- Buffalo Games 1
- Burger King Corporation 1
- Carl's Jr. (Firm) 1
- Carpenter family 1
- Carpenter, Francis W. 1
- Casino, Steve 1
- Century Products Company 1
- Chick-fil-A (Firm) 1
- Children’s Television Workshop 1
- Chrysler Corporation 1
- Coca-Cola Company 1
- Colgate-Palmolive Company 1
- Columbia University. Teachers College 1
- Cookie Monster (Fictitious character) 1
- DecoPac, Inc. 1
- Dibb Directions, Ltd. 1
- Dibb, Michael (Mike) 1
- DreamWorks Animation 1
- Dubren, Patricia 1
- Dubren, Ron 1
- Erickson, Bonnie 1
- Ernie (Fictitious character) 1
- Eskander, Stefanie 1
- G2 Inventions 1
- Garcia, Roddy 1
- Gerber Products Company 1
- Gill, Richard 1
- Glass, Marvin 1
- Goldfarb, Eddy 1
- Greenberg, Larry 1
- Greenley, Peter 1
- Grisolia, Nick 1
- Gund, Inc. 1
- Guyer, Reyn 1
- Harary, Ronnen 1
- Hardee's (Firm) 1
- Harrison, Wayde 1
- Harrison/Erickson, Inc. 1
- Henson, Jim 1
- Hirtle, Mike 1
- Holden, John 1
- Human Relations Area Files, Inc. 1
- Hyman, Greg 1
- Ideal Novelty Company 1
- Ideal Toy Corporation 1
- Institute for Play 1
- Iron Crown Enterprises 1
- Isenberg, Barbara 1
- James, Betty M. 1
- James, Richard T. 1
- Jim Henson Company 1
- Jim Henson’s Sesame Street Muppets 1
- Kellogg's 1
- Ken Sons Films 1
- Kenner Products 1
- Kentucky Fried Chicken (Firm) 1
- Knickerbocker Toy Company, Inc. 1
- Leibovitz, Annie 1
- Levine, Milton M. 1
- Levy, Bettie 1
- Levy, Richard C. 1
- Levy, Sheryl 1
- Libby, Erin 1
- Maguire, Thomas 1
- Marschak, Claire 1
- Marvel Comics (Firm) 1
- Marvin Glass & Associates 1
- McMahon, F. F. (Felicia Faye) 1
- McVicker, Joseph 1
- Meccano France (Firm) 1
- Meccano Limited 1
- Meyer, Burt 1
- Midler, Bette 1
- Milton Bradley Company 1 ∧ less
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