Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 64
Michael and Muffy Berlyn papers
The Michael and Muffy Berlyn papers contain game design documentation, notes, sketches, memos, and other materials related to video games and other creative pursuits. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1983 and 2011.
Parker family papers
The Parker family papers contain diaries, notes, and letters written by members of the Parker family (notably, George S. Parker, founder of Parker Brothers). These materials are dated between 1856 and 1949.
Paul Reiche III papers
The Paul Reiche III papers are a compilation of game design concepts and related documentation for both tabletop role-playing games and video games. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1983 and 1996, though some materials are undated.
Penguin Software collection
The Penguin Software collection is a compilation of game design documentation, correspondence, text drafts, publications, computer code printouts, and floppy disks created or used by Mark Pelczarski of Penguin Software (later Polarware). The bulk of the materials are dated between 1982 and 1986.
Philip E. Orbanes papers
The Philip E. Orbanes papers are a compilation of correspondence, legal contracts, newspaper articles, reference materials, research notes, game advertisements, photographs, audio files, and other papers collected and used by Philip E. Orbanes over the course of his career in the American toy and game industry. The bulk of the materials are from 1967 through 2005. Staff at The Strong recorded a video oral history of Orbanes in 2013.
PlayStation SCEA SourceBook
Ralph H. Baer papers
The Ralph H. Baer papers are a compilation of correspondence, game designs, drawings, notes, reference materials, photographs, product descriptions, digital videos, schematics, electronic components, and manuals utilized by Ralph H. Baer throughout his lengthy career in the toy and game industry. The bulk of the materials are from 1975 through 1998.
Richard Dansky papers
The Richard Dansky papers contain blueline proofs for the 1994 White Wolf roleplaying game Wraith: The Oblivion (1st edition), as well as uncorrected page proofs for a 1995 tie-in novel by Rick Hautala titled Beyond the Shroud.
Robert A. (“Bob”) Bates papers
The Robert A. (“Bob”) Bates papers contain records from Challenge, Inc., Legend Entertainment, and professional consulting work done by Bates; these files include game development documentation, marketing materials, notes, memos, sketches, floppy disks, and more. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1986 and 1994.
Robert C. Clardy papers
The Robert C. Clardy papers contain game proposals and documentation on several games created by Synergistic Software between 1994 and 1996. These include: Mer Wars (1994), Mech Racer (1994), Hydro Patrol (1994), Sally's Rescue (1994), Warp Runner (1994), Downhill Racer (1994), Thunder Hawk (1994), RBI '96 (1995), and Birthrights (1996).