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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 20

Andrew Berton Collection of Toy and Game Product Sell Sheets

Identifier: 121.9733

This collection is comprised of international toy and game product sell sheets from manufacturers and individual entrepreneurs as collected and organized by Andrew Berton. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1987 and 2009.

Dates: 1969 - 2012; Majority of material found within 1987 - 2009

Barbie fashion designer papers

Identifier: 123.1645
Abstract The Barbie fashion designer papers were compiled by a designer of dolls and dolls’ clothing. The papers include internal documentation from Mattel Inc. relating to the marketing and sales of Barbie doll products. The papers are comprised of design inspiration scrapbooks, doll clothing patterns, product packaging, correspondence, clippings, photographs, promotional materials, trade catalogs, newsletters, audio cassettes, VHS cassettes, and digital files. The bulk of the papers date from 1980...
Dates: 1952-2023; Majority of material found within , 1980-2000

Barbie Liberation Organization collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 94.86

The Barbie Liberation Organization collection is a compilation of flyers, instructions, and plans for the organization’s notorious doll voice box-switching project.

Dates: 1993 - 1994

Coleman family papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023.coleman

The Coleman family papers are a comprehensive compilation of materials from the professional careers of Dorothy, Evelyn (“Jane”), and Elizabeth (“Ann”) Coleman related to dolls and doll history. (Some personal papers are included in this collection as well.) The bulk of the papers are dated between 1963 and 1996.

Dates: 1867 - 2022; Majority of material found within 1963 - 1996

Doll Collectors of America (DCA), Inc. records

 Collection — Box: 1-25
Identifier: 122.6855

The Doll Collectors of America (DCA), Inc. records are a compilation of organizational records, reference materials, scrapbooks, and ephemera from members of the DCA. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1935 and 1996.

Dates: 1856 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1935 - 1996

Doll Oral History Project collection

 Collection — Box: 1-8
Identifier: 1987.doll
Abstract The Doll Oral History Project collection is a compilation of oral history audio cassettes, transcripts, photographs, reports, and other documentation on this project from Summer/Fall 1987, administered by Dorothy Washburn for the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum. Oral history interview transcripts (along with associated indexes) were digitized in 2019 and are available to access digitally through ...
Dates: 1986-1994, 2019; Majority of material found in 1987, 2019

Gruelle family collection

 Collection — Box: 1-22
Identifier: 108.5530

The Gruelle family collection is a compilation of manuscripts, correspondence, drawings, art, photographs, personal materials, and publications from the Gruelle family. The bulk of the materials are from between 1910 and 1940, and then 1985 through 2008.

Dates: 1888 - 2008

GUND, Inc. records

 Collection — Box: 1-38
Identifier: 115.915

The GUND, Inc. records are a compilation of historic business records from GUND, Inc. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1942 and 1969, and again from 1984-1998.

Dates: 1912 - 2002; Majority of material found within 1942 - 1969; Majority of material found within 1984 - 1998

Jesyca Durchin ephemera

 File — Box: Individual Manuscripts
Identifier: 118.10787

These materials were received from Jesyca Durchin along with a donation of Barbie CD-ROM computer games and additional computer games. This file contains 2 marketing fliers for Digital Dollhouse, an image of a news article about Barbie CD-ROM games, a press release about Barbie CD-ROM games, and a Family Circus comic strip clipping about Barbie CD-ROM games.

Dates: c. 1998-2008

Margaret Woodbury Strong collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 117.8003
Abstract The Margaret Woodbury Strong collection contains correspondence, photographs, ephemera, scrapbooks, clippings, financial papers, legal documentation, blueprints, drawings, notes, moving images, and other materials related to the life of Margaret Woodbury Strong and relatives (including the Woodbury family, the Motley family, and the Strong family). The bulk of the materials are dated during Mrs. Strong’s lifetime, between 1897 and 1969. Additional related Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum...
Dates: 1818 - 2002; Majority of material found within 1897 - 1969

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  • Subject: Dolls X

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Dolls 12
Dolls -- Collectors and collecting 6
National Toy Hall of Fame inductee 5
Barbie dolls 4
Doll history 4
Oral history 4
Toys 4
Toys -- Design and construction 4
Dollmakers 3
Dolls -- Clothing 3
Dolls -- Collectibles 3
Infant toys 3
Toy industry 3
Winnie the Pooh 3
Barbie dolls -- Clothing 2
Character dolls 2
Character toys 2
Dolls -- History 2
Games 2
Inventors 2
Inventors -- Toys 2
Memory 2
Soft toys 2
Stuffed animals (Toys) 2
Toys -- United States -- History -- 20th century 2
Travel 2
Archery 1
Baby dolls 1
Back Pack Pets (Toy) 1
Barbie Liberation Organization 1
Basketball 1
Beanie Babies (Trademark) 1
Betsy McCall dolls 1
Bloomberg Businessweek 1
Board games 1
Board games -- United States -- History -- 20th century 1
Boglins (Toys) 1
Bookplates 1
Books -- Handmade 1
Cabbage Patch Kids Pin-Ups (Toy) 1
Catalog 1
Chatty Cathy (Doll) 1
Cloth dolls 1
Collectors and collecting 1
Computer games 1
Cupcakes (Doll) 1
Day Care Pets (Toy) 1
Decorative arts 1
Disney characters 1
Disney characters -- Toys 1
Doll Forum Japan 1
Doll Reader (Periodical) 1
Doll clothes -- Collectors and collecting 1
Doll makers 1
Dollhouses 1
Dollhouses -- Collectors and collecting 1
Dolls -- Dictionaries 1
Dolls -- Trademarks 1
Educational toys 1
Fashion -- History 1
Fashion dolls 1
Flower arrangement 1
G.I. Joe figures 1
Games -- Marketing 1
Gardening 1
Gender 1
Golf 1
Guerillas as artists 1
Hand puppets 1
Hobbies 1
Hockey 1
Intellectual property infringement 1
Kennebunk Beach (Me.) 1
Licensed products 1
Little Miss Buttons Easy-Dress Doll 1
Manuscripts 1
Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum -- History 1
Mattel Matters 1
Mattel Outlook 1
Motley family 1
Muppet Babies (Fictitious characters) 1
Muppet Babies Bottle Pals (Toy) 1
Museum archives 1
Museum exhibits 1
Museums -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
Paper dolls 1
Patents 1
Patsykins (Doll) 1
Play with Me Cookie Monster (Toy) 1
Polly Pocket dolls 1
Preschool toys 1
Product sell sheets 1
Puppet making 1
Puppet shows 1
Puppet theater 1
Puppets 1
Puppets and puppet-plays 1
Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls 1
Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls -- Catalogs 1
Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls -- Collectors and collecting 1
Mattel, Inc. 6
Hasbro, Inc. 5
Coleman, Elizabeth Ann, 1941- 4
Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum 3
Coleman, Dorothy Elizabeth (Smith), 1909-2000 2
Coleman, Evelyn Jane, 1945-1996 2
Ravca, Bernard 2
Spencer, Carol 2
Strong, Margaret Woodbury, 1897-1969 2
Abbott, Jennie L. 1
Allen, Eleanor (Angle) 1
Allen, Freeman C. 1
AmToy, Inc. 1
Andrews, Alice 1
Angle, Charles E. 1
Angle, Ida Jane (Motley), 1857-1929 1
Angle, Wesley 1
Armstrong-Hand, Martha 1
Barad, Jill 1
Barbie Liberation Organization 1
Beachy, Anna O. 1
Berton, Andrew 1
Biasuzzi, Patricia A., 1946- 1
Brooklyn Museum 1
Buffalo Games 1
Century Products Company 1
Christopher, Joyce 1
Coleman family 1
Concept Associates (Firm) 1
Costume Society of America 1
Crown Publishers 1
Dickinson, Barbara (Strong), 1921-1946 1
Dickinson, Richard C. 1
Dickinson, Velvalee 1
Doll Collectors of America, Inc. 1
Donoghue, Elizabeth 1
Durchin, Jesyca 1
Eastman Kodak Company 1
Eastwood, Albert 1
Eastwood, Eleanor Haughton (Motley), 1870-1942 1
Elam, Gayle 1
Eskander, Stefanie 1
Favilli, Ricardo Aldo 1
Fenn, Albert O., 1862-1910 1
Fenn, Lily Bratley (Motley), 1864-1920 1
Fisher-Price (Firm) 1
French, Ann 1
Gerber Products Company 1
Grier, Wyly 1
Gruelle, Johnny, 1880-1938 1
Gruelle, Justin C. 1
Gruelle, Kim 1
Gruelle, Myrtle (Swann) 1
Gruelle, Richard B. 1
Gruelle, Suzanne (Cieklinksi) 1
Gruelle, Worth, 1912-1997 1
Gund, Inc. 1
Hall, Patricia 1
Handler, Ruth 1
Holden, John 1
Holton, Gladys Reid 1
Holyland, Carrie 1
Holyland, Frances 1
Hosmer, Herbert H. 1
Hotra, Anne S., 1915-2018 1
Iron Crown Enterprises 1
Keene, Katy (Fictitious character) 1
King, Dana 1
Knickerbocker Toy Company, Inc. 1
Kokusai Boeki Kaisha Ltd. 1
Leibovitz, Annie 1
Libby, Erin 1
Mackie, Bob 1
Macmillan, Inc. 1
Marschak, Claire 1
Marzolf, Kingsbury (“King”) 1
Marzolf, Marion Tuttle 1
Merrill, Madeline O. 1
Milton Bradley Company 1
Moseley & Motley Milling Co. 1
Motley, Albert Haughton, 1877-1926 1
Motley, Alice Mary, 1859-1933 1
Motley, Ann Jane (Haughton) 1
Motley, George, IV 1
Motley, George, V 1
Motley, Helene Rogers (Clark), 1878-1958 1
Motley, Mary Bates (Farley) 1
Motley, Maude, 1872-1933 1
NASCAR (Association) 1
Newark Museum 1
Oriental Trading Company 1
Oxford Games Ltd. 1
Paley, Jana Susan 1
Parker Brothers, Inc. 1
Pedigree Dolls and Toys Ltd. 1
Playskool, Inc. 1
Playthings (magazine) 1
Popp, Maurine 1
Raggedy Andy (Fictitious character) 1