Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 20
Andrew Berton Collection of Toy and Game Product Sell Sheets
This collection is comprised of international toy and game product sell sheets from manufacturers and individual entrepreneurs as collected and organized by Andrew Berton. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1987 and 2009.
Barbie fashion designer papers
Barbie Liberation Organization collection
The Barbie Liberation Organization collection is a compilation of flyers, instructions, and plans for the organization’s notorious doll voice box-switching project.
Coleman family papers
The Coleman family papers are a comprehensive compilation of materials from the professional careers of Dorothy, Evelyn (“Jane”), and Elizabeth (“Ann”) Coleman related to dolls and doll history. (Some personal papers are included in this collection as well.) The bulk of the papers are dated between 1963 and 1996.
Doll Collectors of America (DCA), Inc. records
The Doll Collectors of America (DCA), Inc. records are a compilation of organizational records, reference materials, scrapbooks, and ephemera from members of the DCA. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1935 and 1996.
Doll Oral History Project collection
Gruelle family collection
The Gruelle family collection is a compilation of manuscripts, correspondence, drawings, art, photographs, personal materials, and publications from the Gruelle family. The bulk of the materials are from between 1910 and 1940, and then 1985 through 2008.
GUND, Inc. records
The GUND, Inc. records are a compilation of historic business records from GUND, Inc. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1942 and 1969, and again from 1984-1998.
Jesyca Durchin ephemera
These materials were received from Jesyca Durchin along with a donation of Barbie CD-ROM computer games and additional computer games. This file contains 2 marketing fliers for Digital Dollhouse, an image of a news article about Barbie CD-ROM games, a press release about Barbie CD-ROM games, and a Family Circus comic strip clipping about Barbie CD-ROM games.