Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 12
Alamogordo, N.M. “Atari Burial” collection
Arcade flier collection
Atari Coin-Op Division corporate records
The Atari Coin-Op records comprise 600 linear feet of game design documents, memos, focus group reports, market research reports, marketing materials, arcade cabinet drawings, schematics, artwork, photographs, videos, and publication material. Much of the material is oversized.
Atari Cosmos Programmable Game System collection
This documentation on the Atari Cosmos game system was provided by Dan Kramer, former Atari Engineering staff member in the Consumer Electronics division. Materials include four hologram screens (two for Superman EG502, 1981 and two for Asteroids EG505, 1981) and copies of photocopied press releases and images of the COSMOS game system.
Atari design concept sketches
The Atari design concept sketches are a compilation of drawings created by various employees of Atari, Inc. and later Atari Games Corporation. The bulk of the materials are dated 1973, 1985, and 1987.
Carol Kantor papers
The Carol Kantor papers are a compilation of published materials and ephemera related to Kantor’s career at Atari and Business Builders. The bulk of the materials are from between 1977 and 1983
Carol Shaw papers
The Carol Shaw papers are a compilation of game design documentation, notes, sketches, source code printouts, advertisements, and other ephemera relating to the career of video game designer Carol Shaw. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1978 and 1984.
Cort and Barbara Allen Atari packaging design collection
This collection consists of 240 folders containing drawings, photographs, proofs, preliminary package mockups, drafts of manual scripts, unused packaging, and other internal documents used in the design and production of Atari’s packaging and manuals for home console video games, computer games, game consoles, and handheld games. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1977 and 1983.
Larry Bieza coin-op and amusements history collection
The Larry Bieza coin-op and amusements history collection is a compilation of published fliers, original and photocopied reference, company memos, photographs, and other documentation relating to the history of various coin-operated game and amusement companies and their products. The bulk of the materials are from the 1930s-1980s.
Leonard Herman press kit and marketing collection
The Leonard Herman press kit and marketing collection includes six CDs containing digitized press kit materials for various paper and electronic gaming companies from 1981-2003.