Map-case 7
Contains 32 Results:
Tengen, Inc. records
The Tengen, Inc. records contain artwork, promotional and trade show materials, posters, correspondence, photographs, assembly drawings, and schematics. A sizeable portion of this collection covers marketing and publicity in the form of sell sheets. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1987 and 1994.
“Tengen - Leading the Way in Video Game Technology” sign, n.d.
This subseries contains catalogs and materials from the Consumer Electronic Show between 1989 and 1992. Documents include photographs of CES, note cards, display boards and signs, and film screens for catalogs and other promotional material.
After Burner small poster proofs, c. 1989-1990
This subseries holds full-size posters for various Tengen games, along with film screens of poster designs, and concept artwork for posters.
Tetris poster film negatives, n.d.
This subseries holds full-size posters for various Tengen games, along with film screens of poster designs, and concept artwork for posters.
Hard Drivin’ and Paperboy box cover art film, 1995
This subseries contains finished artwork for game boxes, and concept box art. The majority of the documents are film screens for Sega Genesis and Sega Game Gear games. Some film screens have been labeled “HC,” which likely stands for “home computer.”
Primal Rage Jaguar CD box art film, 1994
This subseries contains finished artwork for game boxes, and concept box art. The majority of the documents are film screens for Sega Genesis and Sega Game Gear games. Some film screens have been labeled “HC,” which likely stands for “home computer.”
Steel Talons box art, Sega Genesis film, 1992
This subseries contains finished artwork for game boxes, and concept box art. The majority of the documents are film screens for Sega Genesis and Sega Game Gear games. Some film screens have been labeled “HC,” which likely stands for “home computer.”
Various box cover art [with Klax instruction manual], 1990
This subseries contains finished artwork for game boxes, and concept box art. The majority of the documents are film screens for Sega Genesis and Sega Game Gear games. Some film screens have been labeled “HC,” which likely stands for “home computer.”
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons games box art film negatives, with Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) logos, n.d.*
This subseries contains finished artwork for game boxes, and concept box art. The majority of the documents are film screens for Sega Genesis and Sega Game Gear games. Some film screens have been labeled “HC,” which likely stands for “home computer.”
Primal Rage instruction manual, 1994
This subseries includes instructional manual artwork and manual layout designs. The majority of these documents are film screens.