Folder 5
Contains 3 Results:
IIIC - Folder 05_T14409_Zoomer Kitty [1 file]
Within this subseries are electronic copies of instruction manuals for Zoomer, Zoomer Zuppies, Zoomer Dino, Zoomer Chomplingz, Zoomer Kitty, Zoomer Meowzies, and the Paw Patrol line of Zoomer products. Also included in this subseries is an electronic poster showing how to make Zoomer perform “secret tricks.” Many of the manuals are in languages other than English or French and are denoted in brackets when applicable. (All files in this subseries are .PDFs.)
IIID - Folder 05_Zoomer Hedgiez [5 files]
This subseries houses product images, logos, advertising graphics, and more marketing assets for Zoomer, Zoomer Chimp, Zoomer Chomplingz, Zoomer Dino, Zoomer Hedgiez, Zoomer Kitty, Zoomer Meowzies, Zoomer Zuppies, Zoomer Zuppy Love, and the Zoomer Paw Patrol line. (All files in this subseries are .TIFs.)
IIIE - Folder 05_Zoomer Hedgiez [4 files]
This subseries contains graphics and packaging examples for Zoomer, Zoomer Chimp, Zoomer Chomplingz, Zoomer Dino, Zoomer Hedgiez, Zoomer Kitty, Zoomer Meowzies, Zoomer Zuppies, Zoomer Zuppy Love, and the Zoomer Paw Patrol line. (All files in this subseries are .TIFs.)